Sunday, June 29, 2014

The joys of Prednisone

Out of the 50-plus medications I have taken over my life time, prednisone tops the list of being the absolute worst. Between my TBI, Crohn's and AIH, I've become no stranger to relying on medications to survive.

Prednisone, is one of the simplest medications, with hundreds of uses. It often tops lists of most essential drugs, and is life saving at times. Unfortunately, out of any drug I have taken, it has the worst side effects. It leeches calcium from bones, can raise blood sugar, blood pressure, increase or decrease heart rate and can even cause seizures. It can increase bruising (the past couple of weeks, I constantly look like I got into a bar fight), can cause depression, unusual thoughts, feelings or behaviors (more on this later), muscle pain or weakness, numbness, tingling of burning pain, and one of my favorites, rapid weight gain, swelling in your hands, ankles or feet.

Sure many other my other medications have much more scary potential side effects, like increased risk of melanoma, increased risk of cancer overall, but the incidence of these side effects are under 1%. Prednisone's side effects happen much more frequently, and have much higher incidence rates.

In other words, while taking high doses of prednisone, I become a rotund, raging bitch covered in bruises. Soooo totally sexy. The weight gain, bruising, numbness, heck I even broke a bone on my last course of long term prednisone, I can deal with those side effects. It's the mental effects I cannot deal with. Having suffered from generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, PTSD and depression for the past ten years, I am no stranger to mental health issues. Through years of therapy, and finding the right cocktail of medications, 95% of the time I feel fantastic. Though I have a safety supply of Xanax as needed, before prednisone, I had not had to take one in over six months. Like with my previous course of long-term prednisone within the first week, I noticed my anxiety come out with a vengeance. I am short with people, have mood swings (hello crying for no reason at all), and the persistent anxious thoughts. I turn into a Jekyll Hyde, and feel like I have no control of my thoughts or emotions, I feel grateful that at this point, I know what to expect. I know that I can get through this, and these are not my thoughts, that it's not who I am. It is so incredibly scary though, to know that one simple, life saving pill can cause so many issues.

Unfortunately prednisone is the drug of choice for almost all autoimmune conditions. It simple, in that it works. It's cheap, effective and easily obtained. Unlike the alternative steroid used in UC/Crohn's, Entocort (a steroid that less system and targets the GI tract) costs about $1500 per month supply. Many insurances do not cover it (for prednisone is available at a much cheaper cost) and even when they do, the co-pays can still run up to $800. The side effects are that of Prednisone though not to the same magnitude. The efficacy of Entocort is also sometimes not as great as Prednisone, so that's another deterrent for its use.

When I see both my GI and liver doc 7/15, and depending on my blood work, I'm going to ask to be taken off. My mental health, has what kept me sane through the physical pains and ills of Crohn's, and AIH. It has what kept me going, kept me positive, kept me sane. Now that it's altered, I feel worse physically as well. I just can't do it any longer, and I know that as a patient, I have a choice. Fingers crossed I'm healthy enough to get off and that my liver plays nice.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm at a conference for work in Nashville until Thursday. I'm exhausted, but trying my best to maintain. Since starting Humira again on 6/16, I've noticed almost no improvement. I'm disappointed. While on Humira the first time, I noticed a drastic improvement within a few days of the loading dose. Maybe it's because I did not have a loading dose this time around, or that my disease has progressed. I have appointments to follow up with my GI and liver doctor July 15th. I will be able to get in two more doses of Humira during that time, and will also be getting blood work done to see how my liver is tolerating it.

The heat and humidity have also made this trip a bit torturous. Each night, my ankles and knees are grapefruit sized, along with my hands being extremely swollen. Enough complaining for now... It's time to fit in a short nap before more presentations!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hi Mom!

While I love my mother dearly, and often can never find the right words to describe her, I can say that she is not technology savvy. She can change her own oil, re-finish cabinets, use a rotatiller, but when it comes to computers, she can check her email, and that is about it. Imagine my surprise this past week when I get a text of "Hi honey, I read your bio and I love you so much" bio? "Your bio online where you post about different subjects".. Que lightbulb moment.."Oh! My blog!"

We then had an in depth discussion, of how she has been able to see a totally different perspective of my life, of what I have been going through. For the past ten and a half years (since my TBI), she has always played a very active role in my health care. The past three years, since starting my journey with Crohn's, has been no different, even though at the time, I was already an "adult" at 22. She has sat in on almost every doctors visit, taken me to each test, each scope, each surgery. She has played the role of patient advocate, Nurse Rachet when I was being hostile, insurance extraordinaire, therapist, friend, and mother.

When people ask why I started a blog, or why I would want to share my feelings with the whole world, besides being therapeutic for myself, it also raises awareness. Whether it be to give my mom a better understanding of what I'm going through, or for my friends to follow my progress, or for those just diagnosed with Crohn's or any other chronic disease. I have met some absolutely amazing people through blogging and social media, from all over the country that I can relate to. While Crohn's is affecting more and more people, is still is not extremely common. Autoimmune Hepatitis is much more rare, and I feel like the only person alive that has had a severe TBI, with both Crohn's and AIH (AIH is more commonly seen in those with Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjorens, and seldomly UC). I know it can be so difficult to relate to, and hell sometimes I struggle being in my own body. Even just for my mom's sake, I hope this can serve as a tool, for her to be able to understand what I'm going through a little bit better. If it helps other people, that's great too. Now if only I could help her understand technology a bit more...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Brutally Honest

This is going to be brief.

Today was the first time in two years that I have had an "accident". Well, I actually had two by 8pm. I'm not going to sugarcoat it any longer. I lost control of my bowels, and defecated on myself. Totally glamorous and totally sexy for a 25 year old girl.

In other words, I shit myself. Why am I being so brutally honest? Crohn's is not a sexy nor glamorous disease. Crohn's is a disease that takes away all dignity. People continually post on facebook pictures of mastectomy scars, and beautiful bald heads from chemo. On the other hand, I have seen in numerous groups on numerous posts of pictures of ostomy bags, of resection scars, comments that read "totally disgusting". I have friends who pictures of their ostomies get reported for vulgarity.  It is heartbreaking and defeating to witness this on the internet. The stigma of bowel disease is unsettling I a time where typical over sharing is a-ok, and a social norm.

I want to help break this vicious cycle of embarrassment, of stigma, of hesitancy. I am Nicole, and today I had two accidents. I also went to the bathroom over 20 times, and managed to vomit twice. Crohn's may be winning at the present, but I'm not going down without a fight (and being brutally honest while doing so).

Monday, June 16, 2014

happy happy happy... For Humira!

I got cleared to go back on Humira for my Crohn's! I've been off Humira for two and a half months. In that time, my Crohn's has come back with a vengeance. It's spread through out my entire colon, and part of my small intestine. I've been in pain, and the urgency and frequency of going was the worst since around the time I was originally diagnosed.

I'm anxious. My immune system is already in the pits from the prednisone and azathioprine, and adding in Humira will only multiply the immunosuppressive effects of the two. I also have substantially upped my risk for certain forms of cancer, that have been associated with the combination therapy of azathioprine and Humira (and other biologics). I'm continuing with biweekly blood work to monitor my blood counts, and my liver function, for another factor in the equation will be how my liver reacts to the Humira. There is very little research on Autoimmune Hepatitis to begin with, let alone when occurring in someone with Crohn's. To try and find research on treatment/therapy of the two diseases together has been impossible, which adds a bit to the stress.

I'm taking it one day at a time. It's all I can do. I got to see my favorite doctor, my GI, this morning. He has helped this whole situation manageable. Live-able. Tolerable. Am I scared of what the future may hold? Am I worried about the long terms effects, of well, everything? Absolutely. Having someone in your corner though, helping to make major medical decisions, to have someone who will pick up the phone 24/7 in case of emergencies, and who will advocate in times of need. I will be following up in a month with him, and seeing my hepatologist the same morning. Fingers crossed this works, and my liver stays well behaved!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Stage 3: Bargaining.

I've officially hit the 3rd stage of grief, bargaining. I've caught myself doing this for the past week or so.

Bargaining the "third stage involves the hope that the individual can somehow undo or avoid a cause of grief. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made with a higher power in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. Other times, they will use anything valuable as a bargaining chip against another human agency to extend or prolong the life they live. "

I often say hey, it sucks, but at least I have great insurance, or at least I have a great job. I find myself saying and thinking about bargaining multiple times a day. I have a minor in psychology, and have taken numerous psych courses, but it still surprises me how innate the stages of grief really are. They unfold without cognition, without thought, and often without plan. Some may get stuck in anger, while others depression. I'm scared to death to hit the depression stage.

People question the Kubler-Ross model of stages of grief, especially applied to things other than death or dying, not to mention diagnosis of a chronic disease, with no cure. With my Crohn's diagnosis, I had known for months what was coming. I had had bowel issues for quite sometime, so it wasn't surprising when I was diagnosed, especially with my family history. I had months to think research and plan. With the Autoimmune Hepatitis, I feel like I was slapped in the face. I had been told about a year ago that I had mild Nonalcholic Steatohepatitis, but that it wasn't off too much concern. This past April, when I was having gallbladder issues, I was told that my liver problems were due to my gallbladder not functioning and that after surgery, my liver would normalize.

Much to my surprise, instead of my liver healing, I went into acute liver failure. I was told that I had a disease, that left untreated, 90% of patients die within the first year. A disease that, 60-70% of patients will require liver transplant within 10 years of diagnosis. I know these are just statistics. I have an advanced degree in the study of diseases, and calculate attack rates, case fatality rates, odds ratios and biostatistics daily. Adding in Crohn's, I'm at a much greater risk of complications, and frankly, death. Does it scare me? Absolutely. Will it stop my life? No, it won't stop my life. It will take time, and maybe a decent amount of it, to cycle through all five stages of grief. I will try my best.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

el jefe del hígado

Or in English, the boss of the liver. So had my last biweekly date with my hepatologist, we are now graduating to monthly appointments!

So, like as I expected from my liver biopsy pathology report, my liver is SCREWED. The biopsy has confirmed, that I've had long term, severe inflammation caused by Autoimmune Hepatitis. I'm so so incredibly lucky that my GI saw my lovely cup o' urine the day of my colonoscopy. It's what caused me to get an immediate appointment with the liver doc, and we were able to catch the early stages of acute liver failure. If I had waited even a week or so longer, I would mostly likely progressed into total liver failure, and required a transplant.

I love my liver man for his bluntness, and openness. Within ten years, I most likely will need a transplant. I have at least one full year of monthly visits, blood work, follow up and heavy duty medication to send this puppy into remission. I'm happy because I was able to taper down to 10mgs of prednisone, but it also means I have to double my dose of azathioprine... Killing my immune system further (and increasing nausea and hair loss). I am meeting with my GI Monday, and will be coming up with a treatment protocol for my Crohn's.

My saving grace, is that my LFTs continue to come down. Even when they reach the normal range, I will still have to continue meds for at least a year. I can live with it. My brain has just been so over whelmed with everything going on.

Monday, June 9, 2014


I've been wanting to write about this subject for the past few weeks. Since my initial Crohn's diagnosis, in April 2011, I have yet to have a serious relationship. From the time I was 14, throughout college, I was the girl that always had a boyfriend. In my senior year of college, I had met and started to date a guy who I thought was "the one". We had talked marriage, and were planning for our future together. We had gotten a lab puppy together, and things were pretty decent.

Unfortunately, after moving in with him, I started to realize that he was a completely different person, that the past year of our relationship was more or less a charade. Part of me believes that the stress during the period (December 2010ish), and our volatile breakup had brought about my Crohn's or at least brought upon my first flare up which led to my diagnosis four months later.

The past few years have been difficult, trying to finish my Master's, working full time, and trying to keep my health under control. The first two years I was adamant about not dating, primarily because I had never been single for a decent amount of time before, and secondly, because I was determined to not to get distracted. Another year passed, and though I went on a hand full of dates, nothing ever worked out.

At this point, I feel like I'm in a crappy situation. Part of me wishes I had someone to be there for me throughout the past few months. I want someone to be able to vent to, to be apart of my support system, to pick me up when I fall down, and to hold me, when I can't hold myself together. I realize this is fully selfish though. I look at myself, and I know I would not be able to be a decent girlfriend at this time, or hell, even a decent friend. I cannot guarantee that I could be there for someone in times of need. Right now, living day to day. I feel like I cannot plan, and cannot think ahead. Instead of planning ahead, I'm focused on getting out of bed each morning. I'm focused on being able to stomach breakfast, and what could I make for lunch that would be safe. I'm focused on making it to the bathroom, hoping to God I don't have an accident before I make it in to work. It takes so much energy just to survive, that even thinking about living is draining.

How would this be fair to another person? It's not. I often get told that I'm in the prime of my life, that if I don't meet someone now, I never will, and that I will be single forever. At this point, I can't focus on that. I need to focus on getting and staying healthy, to survive this next year of aggressive treatment, even if it is alone. Would I love to have someone to come home to at night? To sit with me on my bad days, to take care of me? Absolutely, but I realize at the same time, those are not the reasons to start a relationship/get involved with someone for the sake of being with someone.

This has been one of the most difficult posts to write. I am so torn.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


In high school, I started running track freshman year. It was mostly to stay in shape for soccer, but after my TBI sophomore year, it became my year round obsession. The only issue, was that I refused to run anything longer than 2 miles. I was a sprinter, queen of the 200m. Somewhere in senior year, I started to run the 400m hurdles after it was noticed that I some sort of endurance. I still skated my way through, somehow always managing to get out of the 3 and 5 miler days.

Somewhere in college, I started used to use the treadmill. I went to college in West Philadelphia. At the time, I was a naive beach girl, who didn't exactly feel safe running through the streets of West Philly at 10pm (I loveeeed going to the gym late). I realized that I could run 3 miles. Heck I even did 15 miles a couple of times. I soon began running longer distances, and finished my first half marathon my senior year of college.

Running, is my therapy. After five years of neuropsychological therapy, and talking to my fair share of psychologists, psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, I was therapied out. I still see a psychiatrist for my anxiety medications, but I get nothing out of seeing a therapist/psychologist. My anxiety, PTSD, and depression are here to stay. For the most part, they are under control. The past few weeks I've had a resurgence due to the AIH and Crohn's flares, but I've been managing. When I was  first diagnosed with Crohn's three years ago, I found running to be so therapeutic. I can lose myself in the music, in the miles (I have a terrible habit of not realizing how far I've run), and have a total mental vacation.

Unfortunately Crohn's and now AIH have interfered with my running. I have lost track of how many races I've had to pull out of. I've broken my leg after being on steroids long term, from running, and my joints lately have been screaming in pain once I hit 3 miles. I've pulled out of runs due to surgery (this year, the Broad Street Ten Miler, the Nike Woman's Half Marathon in DC, the Odyssey Half Marathon in Philly), due to being so dehydrated, and just plain sick.

It's hard finding the right balance. My mind needs me to run. My body, on the other hand, does not want me to run whatsoever. While I love classes at the gym, such as Yoga, or Body Pump or spinning, I do not get the same relief, or "runner's high". The only thing that can come semi-close has been swimming. Unfortunately my current gym does not have a pool, and at this point, I really don't want to switch for numerous reasons. I have been doing my best to listen to my body. After my gallbladder surgery, I could not run for 6 weeks, and I'm at week 7. I have been running this past week, but have limited it to maximum three days a week, and three to five miles each run. I'm going to try to keep to that schedule, and add in other workouts.

My body is not what is used to be. Though I'm 25, well a month from 26, my body is far from that of a healthy 25 year old. I have to remember this, and try my best not to overdo it, since I'm fantastic at being overly ambitious. I have the tendency to over do it, to push my body to its limits and then some. I'm going to try my best..

Saturday, June 7, 2014

happy dance!

Just received my blood work results from my LabCorp Patient Beacon. I think I would be insane without it. In most states, as a patient you can register with LabCorp to access your Patient Beacon, an online portal with your lab test results. After your doctor views the results, they are released into the Beacon. For me, this has been a life saver, with having to switch doctors numerous times, and also for the sake of my sanity.

As of June 2nd, my LFTs are significantly lowered, meaning I am responding to treatment!!!!! Unfortunately, I will most likely have two more years of azathioprine (the typical regiment, after induction of remission). At this point, my GI should feel comfortably enough to start treatment (hopefully Humira again) for my Crohn's, since that has been rearing it's ugly head this past week. I should also be able to taper my prednisone again, to 10mg this Wednesday. I'll know more Tuesday after my appointment with my hepatologist, and know even more next Monday, after I follow up with my GI.

This has been the first time I have not gained weight while on prednisone. Heck, I'm loosing weight but that is due to the Crohn's and crazy nausea from the azathioprine. I have been suffering from insomnia every night, and my anxiety is out of control, so I haven't escaped the side effects of prednisone completely. I'm just so relieved my numbers are coming down!