Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hi Mom!

While I love my mother dearly, and often can never find the right words to describe her, I can say that she is not technology savvy. She can change her own oil, re-finish cabinets, use a rotatiller, but when it comes to computers, she can check her email, and that is about it. Imagine my surprise this past week when I get a text of "Hi honey, I read your bio and I love you so much" bio? "Your bio online where you post about different subjects".. Que lightbulb moment.."Oh! My blog!"

We then had an in depth discussion, of how she has been able to see a totally different perspective of my life, of what I have been going through. For the past ten and a half years (since my TBI), she has always played a very active role in my health care. The past three years, since starting my journey with Crohn's, has been no different, even though at the time, I was already an "adult" at 22. She has sat in on almost every doctors visit, taken me to each test, each scope, each surgery. She has played the role of patient advocate, Nurse Rachet when I was being hostile, insurance extraordinaire, therapist, friend, and mother.

When people ask why I started a blog, or why I would want to share my feelings with the whole world, besides being therapeutic for myself, it also raises awareness. Whether it be to give my mom a better understanding of what I'm going through, or for my friends to follow my progress, or for those just diagnosed with Crohn's or any other chronic disease. I have met some absolutely amazing people through blogging and social media, from all over the country that I can relate to. While Crohn's is affecting more and more people, is still is not extremely common. Autoimmune Hepatitis is much more rare, and I feel like the only person alive that has had a severe TBI, with both Crohn's and AIH (AIH is more commonly seen in those with Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjorens, and seldomly UC). I know it can be so difficult to relate to, and hell sometimes I struggle being in my own body. Even just for my mom's sake, I hope this can serve as a tool, for her to be able to understand what I'm going through a little bit better. If it helps other people, that's great too. Now if only I could help her understand technology a bit more...

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