Sunday, July 27, 2014


Lately I've been thinking more and more about dating. Sadly, almost every person I talk to, whether male or female has told me to not think about it right now- wait until you're healthy. 

I get that it's not something I should be focusing on. At the same time, I do not know when I will be healthy. To be realistic, I will never fit into the "perfectly healthy" category. I'm just so frustrated in general with the whole "wait until you're healthy" mentality. Wait until you're healthy to go back to school for your PhD. Wait until you're healthy to buy a house. Wait until you're healthy to go on vacation. Would the same people tell a cancer patient... Wait until you're healthy to live/enjoy your life? 

Having a chronic illness, or in my case, a couple, means that there may never be a "healthy enough" time. There is no cure, there is no "I Beat Crohn's" Medal of Honor, there is no " You're Crohn's free"(in most cases). 

I feel like the past two years of my life have been spent in a holding pattern, waiting until I'm healthy enough. I know it will be difficult, but with compromise, I think things will work. In terms of housing, I'm settling for a townhouse/condo, that can be easily rented out, if anything should happen. I have shelved my dreams of owning a cute little single family house for the time being, knowing that it will be difficult to keep up on, alone. I have also have compromised on my vacation plans, staying more locally, and buying travel insurance as needed. The only real area of my life that I haven't found the right balance of compromise on is dating. I'm not sure on what the right compromise is for it, but I do know that I'm not waiting until I'm "healthy" for anything else in life. 

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