Sunday, July 6, 2014


Tomorrow, I turn 26. Needless to say, 25 has been far from what I expected. I expected to run my fifth Broad Street Run, complete a full marathon, run 3 half marathons, and a handful of 5ks. I expected for my health and job to stay the same, which was fine with me. On the bright side, I got an awesome promotion at work, one I wasn't expecting. I finally, after three years, walked in graduation for my Master's. I've worked on two published studies, and have learned so much in my short time in my new position.

25 started off with a partially torn Achilles, and severely inflammed tendons and ligaments in both feet and ankles. Three months of physical therapy later, I was back to new. A month or so later, I noticed that my Crohn's was becoming more active. For most of 2013, I was not in total remission, but feeling pretty decent. Around November, when things started to drastically change, knew it was time to tackle this full force.

By February, I was able to start Humira, and thought it was smooth sailing. Late March I ended up in the hospital with a non-functioning gallbladder, with surgery in April. May brought another surgery, acute liver failure, and a third life changing diagnosis (the first being my TBI, second Crohn's) of Autoimmune Hepatitis.

Life has sure kept me on my toes, and I can say that without a doubt, 25 was my best year yet. Yes, it's been crazy, and yes I've spent way too much time in doctors' offices, and one too many nights in the hospital. In return, I've gained so much appreciation for my life, for the opportunities I have been given. I finally am feeling comfortable in my own skin, and appreciative of myself, and that in itself has been more than worth the past years pains.

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