Saturday, May 10, 2014

It's been a crazy week. Got blood work done last Saturday morning, and by Monday afternoon received a frantic call from my GI. He called and was extremely concerned about my LFTs. In just about a month, my AST/ALT levels jumped from the mid 200s to the 600s. We were expecting them to normalize after my gallbladder removal. I had initially scheduled a hepatologist appointment for early July (the first available), but my GI said he would call and get my appointment pushed up to next week.

Thursday, arrived at the same day surgery center. My GI recently switched facilities, and it was his first day doing scopes at his new hospital/surgi center. Things were a bit hectic. After waiting 30 minutes after check in, a nurse gave me a clean catch container for a urine specimen. I managed to collect a specimen, yet could not find a nurse to give my container too. My GI came out to talk and immediately noticed my urine container, and was quite alarmed with my sample. He called the hepatologist on his personal cell, and managed to get me an appointment the next day, Friday. The colonoscopy went well.

My new hepatologist is concerned. I immediately got blood drawn for repeat LFTs, and another test. I was to immediately start a 24 hr urine specimen collection, and to also get about 30 different blood tests today. He was also going to try to obtain my liver biopsies if the hospital still had them, as well as full pathology notes. Best case scenario, is that it is a viral infection such as Epstein-Barr manifesting in my liver. Worst case is autoimmune hepatitis or Wilson's disease. I have been tested a few times for each viral hepatitis, and have been vaccinated for A and B, so those are off the table.

Working in infectious disease epidemiology, I have a decent understanding of viral hepatitis. I am used to seeing multiple lab test values, and LFTs for those with chronic, untreated hepatitis and my LFTs are much worse. I'm just hoping that within a couple of days we get results of my blood work and figure what is causing my liver to fail.

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