Monday, April 21, 2014

pockets full of demons.

I've gone a bit stir crazy these past few days, and will be returning to work tomorrow, thank goodness. I am hoping to ease into things, and put in a half day, and see where it takes me.

I'm a terrible patient. Maybe it comes from my years of bed rest and recovery from my brain injury, or my italian stubbornness, but I do horribly when it comes to bed rest. Granted, there are days when I cannot leave bed due to pain, and weakness, but as soon as I can physically start walking, I'm up and moving. I find that the longer I sit, or lay around, the more I start to have issues with my mind. As I have mentioned previously, I have PTSD, OCD, anxiety and depression thrown in for fun. My little demons have played quite nicely the past few years, but love to come out from hiding as soon as I'm home alone, or inside too long. My demons hate distractions. As soon as I start working, moving around physically, just anything to keep busy, they go back into their hidey holes. It is such a childish analogy, but it's the best explanation I have.

I managed to take a half mile walk today, which sent the little demons running. I'm hoping that by slowly easing back into work, even if just for a few hours, they retreat further into their caves. I must promise myself not to over do it though, and will listen to my body (not my little demons). I'll let y'all  know how it goes.

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