Saturday, November 1, 2014

Just finished up my third full week on Bactrim DS, along with the quartet of immunosuppressing meds. I've learned that my regimen is close to that of transplant recipients. Spent the better part of this past week with a viral respiratory illness, with swollen glands, wicked sore throat, coughing and being just gross. I hope that this isn't foreshadowing the winter to come. I just feel so run down. I also have been experiencing the lovely nausea associated with azathioprine all over again, and also the hair loss has restarted.

I know I've said this numerous times before, but I feel like I'm stuck in limbo. Can't really move forward until things get under control, and doing anything humanly possible to keep from rolling back. There have been some really positive things in my life though recently, which has helped keep me above water. Some semi-famous person with Crohn's (totally blanking on whom exactly) used an analogy to describe the disease... Something along the lines of comparing the disease to a duck floating on a pond. Above the surface, everything looks fantastic, peaceful, calm, serene, but underneath the water, the duck is paddling like hell to stay afloat, to survive.

1 comment:

  1. I'm conflicted with doing things to make things better, like eating raw - eating green - drinking kale and sprulina galore and doing things that i would never do, like sky diving, or driving way past the speed limit
