In life B.C. (before Crohn's), I have always managed to hold down some sort of part time job and go to college full time. Long hours had no effect, and I felt well pretty much invincible even with a brain injury. Crohn's has made work, and looking for jobs an absolute nightmare. I lost my first job (a simple management position in retail) due to my absences from being sick. I was u justly fired, threatened a law suit and was given a decent severance, yet no job back. Since then my part times job included teaching preschool, bartending and serving.
I love teaching preschool, but due to having a terrible immune system from. My immunosuppressive medications, I was literally sick every other week. The commute was also terrible, and sometimes took 2 hours to drive to work, and had more then one or two accidents on the way.
I soon found a closer job waitressing/ bartending with an extremely easy going boss, who was very flexible knowing my sickness, and school schedule, since I was still finishing my Master's at the time.
Right now, I am kind of in limbo. I am a teacher assistant for two courses this fall at my university (since you need a doctorate to be a full professor at my school) and I love it, it just is kind of sucky pay. I am in class for such little time, which makes it awesome for someone with Crohn's. The only thing that sucks career wise, is that if I want to be a full professor, that means I have to go for my doctorate, which would be another two years of school. Right now, I am going to start looking for a job at a different university,in hopes to get some form of tuition reimbursement formy PhD.
Ugh just feel like I'm in limbo.i don't feel healthy enough to work full time, especially since I'm going through yet another flare up. I want to work 40 hours a week and be productive, yet my body can't keep up. Just so frustrated.
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