Monday, May 14, 2012

Week one of Asacol HD complete. So far, not much relief. The past few days I have cheated on my low residue diet and am paying the price big time. With sissy's college graduation and a date, and mother's day all in one weekend, cheating was bound to occur. Sunday I managed to lose tracked how many visits to the bathroom that occurred, though I was up to 13 or so at around 3pm. Today the dehydration, pain, and exhaustion definitely set in. It frustrates the crap out of me, maybe even literally haha to not be able to eat like a normal person. I wish that I hated cooking, and disliked food. It would make life a million times easier. Now back to the date. Went on a first date with a guy Friday night, to where else but you may know Crohn's gets abut a million times worse with nerves and stress so I made sure not only to try to stay calm, and load up on Lomotil before the date, but also to strictly monitor my food intake for all of Friday. Dinner as of course served with a family style salad, which I couldn't pass on. I was truly nervous, and couldn't decide if I should tell the guy right away about the Crohns or just stay quiet and hope that no excessive bathroom visits were necessary. It kind of just Came up in conversation. I gave a brief explanation, as I practiced in my head countless times before. Part of me kind of regrets telling him right away, but at the same time it's out in the open. Time will only tell where it goes ormifmitmwill even move past a first date. I'm just happy that I am getting more comfortable speaking about it, and coming to terms with the disease.

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