Thursday, September 25, 2014

Twenty Weeks

It's been twenty weeks, since I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Hepatitis. I have graduated to monthly blood work, and going two months between doctors' appointments. Initially, I responded fantastically to Prednsione and azathiorpine. I began to taper off prednisone, and have yet to normalize my LFTs. I was switched to Myfortic (similar to CellCept), a month and a half ago, while maintaining 10mg of Prednsione. Bloodwork from the beginning of September was unfortunately more abnormal than it has been, with my LFTs continuing to rise. I get repeat blood work the first week of October, and follow up with my specialists the second week. 

More than anything, I'm frustrated. I work my ass off, am compliant with my meds, eating healthy, taking care of my body, and it doesn't seem to be helping. I am maintaining my career, working out, trying to lead a normal life. I could be sitting at home, living off the "system". Instead, I wake up each morning, no matter how tired I am, and go to work. I know life isn't a game, that there are things out of my control. I also don't want people to feel bad or pity me. I try so hard to believe that God only gives us what we can handle. It's just that we all have a breaking point, and I've been skirting around mine a bit too frequently for my liking. 

There is one more medication option that I have left, before the dreaded transplant comes into play. It's disappointing that I am not responding well to another medication, and that I'm close to exhausting my options, but I will try my best to stay positive. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Work has been extremely busy the last few weeks, so much so, I've noticed it's taken a big toll on my health. Currently on day 3 of a lovely sinus infection/bronchitis. I figured it was only time before I got sick, being on three immunosuppressants. This is my first infection since starting the lovely combo in May, so I guess I've done pretty well for myself up until now.

Sometimes it is hard for me to remember to take it easy. I try so hard for my illnesses to not interfere with my daily life, that I sometimes forget how fragile my body is. I am guilty of taking my health for granted at some points. Even with having severe Crohn's, and severe hepatitis, overall, I have been fortunate. I have yet to require major surgery, and my hospital stays have been brief. I've made it four months without any major infection, and I feel so thankful I've made it this far.

The whole idea of taking it easy has always been difficult for me, but I will continue to work on it. To remember to take a break every now and again, and to give my body the rest and care it deserves.