I'm a major slacker. Oh well, whatever. Started a job December 17, 2012. A day that will rest in infamy, or hopefully not. Going from un- employed to under-employed to rightfully holy crap I got a job in my field of study/ what I actually want to do, was a difficult transition.
It was and still is difficult to work a 9-5 day for me. I am so incredibly thankful to have a job with normal hours, but the health issues hamper my happiness from time to time. I was finally able to complete my 24 hour sleep study in the fall, which not only showed "extremely disturbed sleep", but also excessive day time sleepiness. Basically during my TBI, I broke my internal alarm clock/ go the f to sleep mechanism. My brain literally has to force itself into REM sleep/normal sleep cycles, and barely manages. That in itself deserves a post.
I have a lot more free time now that I am done school and can't wait to update more!